Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Funko POP Figures Highlight: Duck Dynasty figures

Today's FUNKO POP Figures spotlight is on the upcoming Duck Dynasty figures that are now available for pre-order through

The FUNKO POP vinyl figures have become a very popular brand of geek products. While attending approximately 12 shows a year for Zenescope Entertainment, I have the unique opportunity to see fellow geeks from all over the country, and vendors as well. The mainstay at these shows are usually comics, geeky t-shirts, heroclix, and action figures. But over the course of the last few months, not only have these POP figures become a popular item for vendors to display, but these figures are selling like crazy.

If you were to want to any vendor booth, you would likely find some Walking Dead POP figures available for purchase. At vendors carrying as much POP figures as possible, you would find Walking Dead, Marvel figures, Muppets, Disney, Big Bang Theory, Ninja Turtles and even Game of Thrones.

SO, what if you took one of the hottest television programs that reaches a much wider, non-geek centric audience, and offer figures of those characters? Well, we're about to find out how well that works with this Duck Dynasty Collection below.


Geeks will find these figures cute, and unique, while fans of the show will find them to me "must-buys" for any Duck Dynasty fan they know.

*If you find these to your liking, order them from the links above and support this blog. It would be greatly appreciated.

So,  what do you think? Would you buy a set of these?

What show do you watch that you would like to see figures of?

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